

Mulheres. Trader. Carreira. Negociação Internacional.


Women are gradually gaining space in the job market in international business. This
study aims to analyze the challenges of women’s role in the trader career in international
business. For that, a two-step research was performed. In the first step, a exploratory
study with qualitative approach was carried out in which women traders who
work with international trading were interviewed. The second step was a quantitative
descriptive study with women students of an undergraduate course in international
trade. The results show, from a technical point of view, that the biggest difficulty is the
cultural differences, and that the gender issue is bigger when the trader negotiates
with countries of more closed cultures, and that the stereotypical view of the sexy
Brazilian woman promotes some risk of harassment. In addition, for long-time professionals
in the field, family responsibilities have a strong influence on career, especially
because work demands long trips.

Author Biographies

Roberto Birch Gonçalves, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS Rua Francisco Getúlio Vargas, 1130 - CEP 95070-560 Caxias do Sul - RS - Brasil - Telefone/Telefax: (54) 3218-2728

Prof. Roberto Birch Gonçalves
Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS
Doutor em Administração – UFRGS

Diretor do Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas e Sociais

Coordenador do curso de Comercio Exterior

Karen Cristine Cardoso, Universidade de Caxias do Sul

Bacharel: Comércio Internacional

Profissional de mercado atuando na empresa: Empresa: Soprano Eletrometalurgica e Hidraulica Ltda

