

Desempenho organizacional, Orientação empreendedora, Compentências de marketing, Empresas na área da saúde, Modelagem de equações estruturais


Current academic literature presents progress in understanding the development of business strategies, in order to improve skills and resources, to face competition and the turbulence of the competitive environment. This research aims to analyze the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and marketing skills on organizational performance in companies in the health sector in Gaspar/SC. For this, structural equation modeling was used to validate the model and test the hypotheses. The main results include the direct effect of marketing competence on organizational performance and entrepreneurial orientation on marketing skills. The direct effect of entrepreneurial orientation on organizational performance was not supported in this research.

Author Biographies

Rafael Calixto Aguena, Unisul

Mestre em Administração pelo PPGA Unisul;

Doutorando em Administração PPGA Unisul.

Tiago Costa

Mestrando em Administração PPGA Unisul

Thiago Coelho Soares, Universidade do Sul de Santa Catarina - Unisul

Doutor em Administração.

Professor do Mestrado em Administração da Unisul.


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