Exploring the Co-creation of Value in the Brazilian Private Higher Educational Service




Mots-clés :

Co-creation, Value, Self-Determination, Higher Education, Social Context.


Co-creation of value is an imperative practice in the service environment. Understanding education as a service encounter is an innovative approach for the context of higher education. Private Higher Education dominates the Brazilian scenario, with figures above 80% of students, and the Business undergraduate course is the largest in number of students in the country. Based on Self-determination Theory, this study aims to identify at what point the student acts as a co-creator in private education. Through Ethnomethodology, adherence of co-creation to education was identified, in which self-determination acts as a stimulus to generate value.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Flávio Régio Brambilla, Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul (UNISC).

Doutor em Administração. Docente do PPGA/UNISC, Mestrado em Administração.


