Science Parks, Critical Success Factors, Performance Management, Balanced Scorecard, Strategic Map.Resumo
Science parks have spread throughout the world as mechanisms to promote innovation, technology transfer, knowledge exchange, generation of skilled employment and socioeconomic development. Nevertheless, a current challenge for a venture is the development of more detailed performance management system, representing the major stakeholders, demonstrating results and indicating opportunities for improvement. To contribute to fulfilling this gap, this work proposes a model for performance management of science parks, using the management tool Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a reference. In drawing up this model, a multiple case study was designed in three Brazilian science parks in operation. The justification for the development of this model is the need for the creation and improvement of a management tool that is a reference for science parks’ managers and stakeholders. Thereby, it is expected that the model helps managers understand the strategic goals and performance indicators common to these ventures. The research contributions by extending known solutions to new problems and the results could be applied in several science parks.
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