

aliança social, Revisão Integrativa, estudo qualitativo


Alianças sociais mostram-se importantes na sociedade atual, pois auxiliam a resolução de problemas complexos que apenas um setor da sociedade não está apto para resolver. O artigo realizou uma revisão integrativa de dez anos (2010-2020) acerca das alianças sociais, para apontar uma agenda de pesquisa para estudos futuros. Chegou-se a cinco temáticas de estudo (formação, benefícios, motivação, desafios e gerenciamento de alianças), com alguns se subdividindo em temas mais específicos. Ademais, quatro focos para estudos futuros são delineados: eficiência da aliança no atingimento do seu propósito de impacto social, relevância das alianças sociais para os stakeholders, generalização dos resultados por meio de estudo quantitativos e superação de dificuldades por meio de gerenciamento de alianças. As implicações do estudo se referem a direcionar futuras pesquisas de acordo com a literatura já existente.


Álvarez-González, L. I., García-Rodríguez, N., Rey-García, M., & Sanzo-Perez, M. J. (2017). Business-nonprofit partnerships as a driver of internal marketing in nonprofit organizations. Consequences for nonprofit performance and moderators. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 20(2), 112–123.

Archambault, E. (2015). France : A Late-Comer to Government – Nonprofit Partnership. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(6), 2283–2310.

Atouba, Y. C., & Shumate, M. D. (2020). Meeting the Challenge of Effectiveness in Nonprofit Partnerships: Examining the Roles of Partner Selection, Trust, and Communication. Voluntas, 31(2), 301–315.

Barroso-méndez, M. J., Galera-casquet, C., & Valero-Amaro, V. (2014). Partnerships Between Businesses and NGOs in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility : A Model of Success From the Perspective of Relationship Marketing Partnerships Between Businesses and NGOs in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility : Journal of Relationship Marketing ISSN:, 13(1), 1–27.

Barroso-Méndez, M.J., Galera-Casquet, C., Seitanidi, M. M., & Valero-Amaro, V. (2016). Cross-Sector social partnership success: A process perspective on the role of relational factors. European Management Journal, 34(6), 674–685.

Barroso-Méndez, María Jesús, Galera-Casquet, C., & Valero-Amaro, V. (2016). The importance of relationship learning in private-non-profit partnerships: Precursors and outcomes. International Journal of Innovation and Learning, 19(2), 169–187.

Berger, I. E., Cunningham, P. H., & Drumwright, M. E. (2004). Social alliances: Company/nonprofit collaboration. California management review, 47(1), 58-90.

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Brock, K. L. (2020). Government and Non-profit Collaboration in Times of Deliverology, Policy Innovation Laboratories and Hubs, and New Public Governance. Voluntas, 31(2), 257–270.

Chang, J. N., Seetoo, D. H., Yu, C. M., & Cheng, C. Y. (2016). Relational Management Mechanisms for Strategic Alliances Among Nonprofit Organizations. Voluntas, 27(5), 2458–2489.

Cheng, Y. (Daniel). (2019a). Exploring the Role of Nonprofits in Public Service Provision: Moving from Coproduction to Cogovernance. Public Administration Review, 79(2), 203–214.

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Clarke, A., & Fuller, M. (2010). Collaborative Strategic Management: Strategy Formulation and Implementation by Multi-Organizational Cross-Sector Social Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(SUPPL. 1), 85–101.

Collins, T., & Gerlach, J. D. (2019). Bridging the gaps: Local government and nonprofit collaborations. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 5(2), 118–133.

Coupet, J., Albrecht, K., Williams, T., & Farruggia, S. (2020). Collaborative Value in Public and Nonprofit Strategic Alliances: Evidence From Transition Coaching. Administration and Society, 52(3), 405–430.

Dong, C., & Zhang, Y. (2019). NPOs’ Voice in CSR Partnership: An Exploratory Study Using Topic Modeling. International Journal of Business Communication.

Dong, Q., Guo, J., & Huang, C. C. (2019). Nonprofit Alliance in China: Effects of Alliance Process on Goal Achievement. Voluntas, 30(2), 300–311.

Feilhauer, S., & Hahn, R. (2019a). Firm-nonprofit collaboration: Explaining the rationale behind firms’ cross-sector partner choices. Long Range Planning, August 2018, 101952.

Feilhauer, S., & Hahn, R. (2019b). Formalization of Firms’ Evaluation Processes in Cross-Sector Partnerships for Sustainability. Business and Society.

Fu, J. S., Cooper, K. R., & Shumate, M. (2019). Use and Affordances of ICTs in Interorganizational Collaboration: An Exploratory Study of ICTs in Nonprofit Partnerships. Management Communication Quarterly, 33(2), 219–237.

Gazley, B., & Guo, C. (2020). What do we know about nonprofit collaboration? A systematic review of the literature. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 31(2), 211–232.

Gillett, A., Loader, K., Doherty, B., Scott, J. M., & Scott, J. M. (2019). An Examination of Tensions in a Hybrid Collaboration : A Longitudinal Study of an Empty Homes Project. Journal of Business Ethics, 157(4), 949–967.

Hartman, L. P., & Dhanda, K. K. (2018). Cross-Sector Partnerships: An Examination of Success Factors. Business and Society Review, 123(1), 181–214.

Hesse, A., Kreutzer, K., & Diehl, M. R. (2019). Dynamics of Institutional Logics in a Cross-Sector Social Partnership: The Case of Refugee Integration in Germany. Journal of Business Ethics, 159(3), 679–704.

Hu, M., Guo, C., & Bies, A. (2016). Termination of Nonprofit Alliances: Evidence from China. Voluntas, 27(5), 2490–2513.

Hussler, C., & Payaud, M. (2019). Bargaining with the devil ? A politicized view on cross-sector partnerships targeting the BoP. Society and Business Review, 14(1), 112–127.

Ihm, J., & Shumate, M. (2019). How does a board of directors influence within- and cross-sector nonprofit collaboration? Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 29(4), 473–490.

Irmak, C., Sen, S., & Bhattacharya, C. B. (2013). Consumer reactions to business-nonprofit alliances: Who benefits and when? Marketing Letters, 26(1), 29–42.

Jamali, D., Yianni, M., & Abdallah, H. (2011). Strategic partnerships , social capital and innovation : accounting for social alliance innovation. Business Ethics: A European Review, 20(4), 375–391.

Jang, H. S., Feiock, R. C., & Saitgalina, M. (2016). Institutional Collective Action Issues in Nonprofit Self-Organized Collaboration. Administration & Society, 48(2), 163–189.

Jang, H. S., Valero, J. N., Kim, J. W., & Cramb, K. (2015). Understanding Nonprofit Collaborations: A Case Study of Communities in Schools of North Texas and its Partner Organizations. Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs, 1(2), 100–117.

Jing, Y. (2012). From stewards to agents? Intergovernmental management of public-nonprofit partnerships in China. Public Performance and Management Review, 36(2), 230–252.

Jing, Y., & Chen, B. (2012). Is Competitive Contracting Really Competitive? Exploring Government-Nonprofit Collaboration in China. International Public Management Journal, 15(4), 405–428.

Kim, M., & Peng, S. (2018). The dilemma for small human service nonprofits: Engaging in collaborations with limited human resource capacity. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 29(1), 83–103.

Kim, N., Sung, Y., & Lee, M. (2012). Consumer Evaluations of Social Alliances : The Effects of Perceived Fit Between Companies and Non-Profit Organizations. Journal of Business Ethics, 109, 163–174.

Kolk, A., van Dolen, W., & Vock, M. (2010). Trickle Effects of Cross-Sector Social Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics, 94(SUPPL. 1), 123–137.

Krasnopolskaya, I., Skokova, Y., & Pape, U. (2015). Government – Nonprofit Relations in Russia ’ s Regions : An Exploratory Analysis. VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 26(6), 2238–2266.

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