
  • Karla Coura
  • Ana Carolina Costa
  • Gisela Demo
  • Natasha Fogaça Universidade de Brasília
  • Fernanda Scussel

Palabras clave:

organizational virtues, systematic review, research agenda


The current organizational environment demands from researchers and managers the need for a better understanding of human behavior and social interactions in the work context. In the perspective of the movement of positive organizational studies, the organizational virtues gained relevance, which in the field of organizational behavior presents advances for both employees and organization, given the importance of increasingly healthy workplaces. In this sense, the aim of this study is to present a panorama of the scientific publications on organizational virtues, through a systematic review, with bibliometric analyzes, using the software VOSviewer. Essentially, the interest of the researchers in the subject was increased, given their strategic nature for the organizations, as well as the dominance of American, English and Irish production. In addition, the results were discussed and the gaps identified inspired the development of a research agenda for future investigations.


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