Neurosciences and Sensory Analysis have been increasing their participation in the literature as subjects and objects of scientific studies that explain behavior. One of the many applications of these themes lies in the analysis of people, making it possible to address them with consistent products and services. In this context, this article evaluated, from the perspective of sensory analysis, the consumers' perception about specialties of gastronomy in Japanese restaurants. A survey was conducted with 449 consumers, processing the data by multivariate statistics. The results showed that the analytical model (considering the nomology of the five senses) was adequate, and the most expressive construct was the "palate", presenting a higher correlation with the "feel" (consistency / texture). The sensorial analysis pointed out the need for care regarding the visual stimulation of the specialties. The resulting Neural Networks demonstrated the consistency of the applied model. It is necessary to carry out more complete experiments in the field of neurotechnologies, optimizing the possibilities of Neuroscience and Sensory Analysis.
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