MMORPG players play by many factors, such as socialization, achievements, immersion, leadership and independence. Thus, this research aims to analyze the relationship of behavioral traits with factors of playing the MMORPG World of Warcraft, in Brazil. The contribution of this scientific research lies in the identification of the relationship between the individual's personality and the factors within the game, with Brazilian players and the development of implications for the management of this type of business. Thus, a form was applied to a sample (n322) of Brazilian game players. The instrument was built in two parts, one about the personality traits of the Big Five and the second about the motivations for playing an MMORPG, totalizing 83 questions. Linear regressions for each motivation and personality traits were done to identify the relationships between personality traits and motivations. With the results of the analysis, it is recommended that gaming companies of this modality analyze the interrelationship aspects between personality traits and game motivations in the creation of advertisements, as well as analyzing consumer experiences based on each factor to play, in the development of games of this nature.
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