

Dimensões cultuais, Teoria dos Prospectos, apetite por risco, aversão à incerteza, Individualismo


This theoretical-empirical aims to map the cultural characteristics of the Brazilians who make up the analyzed sample, based on the cultural dimensions of Hofstede, and to verify the relationship between cultural values and risk behavior in decision-making in scenarios of gain and loss. For this, a questionnaire was applied via email and social networks, obtaining responses from 448 participants. The method of ordinary least squares was used with statistical inference via bootstrap. From the tested hypotheses, a positive influence was found between uncertainty aversion and the risk premium in the gain model. Furthermore, there were statistically significant results between control variables and risk appetite. The study contributes to the expansion of knowledge in the area, highlighting the importance of knowing the cultural differences between Brazilian regions and the possible impacts on risk behavior for companies and public policy makers.


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