Organizational bonds, work engagement, task performanceAbstract
This study assessed the effects of commitment, entrenchment, and consent bonds on work engagement and task performance among poultry industry workers in the Northeast of Brazil. A descriptive research approach was employed, utilizing a quantitative method through a single-entity survey, administered in person at the industry. The final sample included 80 workers who were part of the production process in the industry. The results indicate that the commitment bond is positively related to work engagement, and that more entrenched workers exhibited lower task performance, while those with a stronger consent bond showed better task performance and engagement. The study also revealed that higher work engagement is associated with improved task performance. Regarding the mediating effects, it can be observed that work engagement serves as a complete mediator in the relationship between the commitment bond and task performance. Furthermore, it is noted that engagement partially mediates the relationship between the consent bond and task performance. These findings underscore the importance of fostering commitment, consent, and worker engagement to enhance individual and, consequently, organizational performance.
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