Participação do usuário como fator determinante de qualidade e valor em consultoria fitness
Marketing, Serviços, Cocriação, Consultoria Fitness Online, ExperiênciaAbstract
Objective: to verify how the co-creation behavior of users of online fitness consulting services is associated with service quality and perceived value in the service user experience. Originality/Value: The research points out that the theoretical relationships of the online fitness consulting service are plausible, considering its relational nature. It offers valuable information for entrepreneurs and brings insights into user attraction and engagement, service quality and value perception, in addition to helping with organizational management and marketing. Methods: An online questionnaire was applied to a non-probabilistic sample of 450 respondents. Multivariate statistical analyzes were performed using SPSS, version 23 and JASP. Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling were estimated using the Robust Diagonally Weighted Least Squares method. The internal consistency of the data was verified using Mcdonald's omega and Cronbach's alpha coefficients, and Composite Reliability. The validity of the instrument was attested through the discriminant validity and the convergent validity. Results: Estimates indicate a positive relationship between Participation in the Decision-Making Process and Service Quality, and between Co-Creation Behavior Perceived Value. And moderate relationships between the other observed constructs. Conclusions: in the online fitness consulting service, the quality of the service is attested through the inclusion and integration of the service user, regarding participation in the service process. The value is associated with the cost benefit and the social value generated in the use of the service through co-creation behavior, in the online fitness consulting service.
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