Um estudo das estruturas de governança na cadeia de vinhos finos no estado do Paraná



Economia dos Custos de Transação, Estruturas de governança, Cadeia de vinhos finos


The present study aims to understand how the governance structures are presented by fine wine wineries in Paraná. For that, Transaction Cost Economics framework was employed as a theoretical basis, with a focus on governance structures, exploring behavioral assumptions and transaction attributes. The research conducted was qualitative and descriptive, involving semi-structured interviews with winery managers, their suppliers and the VINOPAR representative. The data were analyzed using the content analysis technique. As findings, it was identified that the most used governance structures are primarily contracts, followed by vertical integration. The high specificity of the grape leads to more vertically integrated transactions, but many wineries also adopt contracts, especially in situations when internal conditions for producing fine grapes and reducing internal costs are not viable. The need for grape monitoring leads to frequent transaction recurrence and long-term relationships. Uncertainty is motivated especially by climatic factors and economic issues. In conclusion, the study provided insights into how transaction costs impact the choices of governance structures.


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