Entrepreneurial skills, University, DevelopmentAbstract
Entrepreneurial education is based on the connection between theoretical aspects and the practical demands of society, aiming to develop students to be able to conduct their own enterprises. Therefore, the study questions what is the impact of entrepreneurial education actions developed at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul on Business Administration students? To this end, the objective is to identify the entrepreneurial education actions, curricular and extracurricular, developed at the Federal University of Fronteira Sul, in order to then verify the impact of the entrepreneurial education actions developed in the students of the Business Administration course. Thus, the data collection instrument was sent by email to all academics of the Business Administration course at Federal University of Fronteira Sul campus Chapecó via coordination and academic secretariat to carry out a census for the research. The study demonstrated that the development of entrepreneurial skills are incorporated both in the formal mechanisms of education and in extracurricular activities, with extracurricular activities being highlighted in enabling the practice of concepts learned in the classroom. On the other hand, the research did not delve into the development of entrepreneurial skills focused on extracurricular activities. Therefore, it is suggested that it be deepened how junior companies, athletics, academic centers and other extracurricular activities can contribute to the development of future entrepreneurs.
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