Palabras clave:
organizational citizenship behavior, systematic review, vosviewer, scientific production, research agendaResumen
This study aimed to identify the panorama of recent high impact scientific production related to organizational citizenship behaviors, presenting the current itineraries and suggesting new possibilities and challenges for further studies. A systematic literature review conducting with the Web of Science database identified 300 papers. The content of the 300 papers indicated gaps in the literature that supported the proposition of an agenda for future research. Our goal was to make use of Vosviewer software, which allows visualization of bibliometric networks. Furthermore, as theoretical implications, the results now gathered shed light on the identification of gaps that are still unexplored that can stimulate different perspectives in prospecting the construct. Our study made it possible to identify unexplored paths to be followed, as well as to advance methodological issues that may inspire managers to rethink strategies, policies and practices of human resource management.
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