About the Journal

Journal history

MERITUM, created in 2006 and published since then, is the law magazine of Universidade FUMEC, and is linked to the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Law (PPGD) of the institution.

The Meritum Magazine is published every six months, is classified with Qualis B1 by CAPES, and it mainly transmits researches that demonstrate the relations between the public and private spheres, as well as between the State and the market, based on the paradigm of the Democratic State right.

Focus and Scope

The Fumec University graduate program in law (master's degree) presents the Meritum Magazine to the academic community, with the mission of being an effective instrument for the dissemination of scientific works developed in Brazil and abroad, in line with the research lines "Private Autonomy, Regulation and Strategy", "Public Sphere, Legitimacy, Control".

Interested researchers should register and submit their scientific papers for evaluation and eventual publication, on the site http://fumec.br/revistas/meritum/index .

Peer Review Process

In the Revista Meritum, the original articles will initially be submitted to the members of the magazine's Editorial Board for their relevance for publication.

After prior analysis, being preliminarily approved (desk review), the article will be evaluated by two ad hoc reviewers, according to the specificity of the theme, observing the double blind criterion.

If there is a divergence between the evaluation carried out by these referees, the article will be sent to a third referee.

The evaluation of the articles will consider the adequacy to the profile of the journal, as well as the observance of academic-scientific standards related to the content and quality of the contributions.

The evaluation may consider the article approved, approved with mandatory revision and the due reformulation indicated by the reviewer or rejected.

The editorial flow may be accompanied by the author by accessing the magazine's website, using the registered login and password when submitting the article.

Authors will be informed about texts not accepted for publication.

In the case of texts produced by invited authors, the analysis of the articles will be carried out by the Editorial Committee.

As a result of the maximum number of 20 (twenty) articles to be published per volume of Revista Meritum and, especially, for taking into account aspects related to exogeny and endogeny, the Editors and the Editorial Board reserve the right not to publish, immediately, texts approved by the referees.

The average time for analysis of articles, between submission and publication is 12 months.


Until 2019, Revista Meritum maintained a semiannual periodicity, with the publication of two annual issues.

As of 2020, it started to adopt a quarterly periodicity (3 issues per year), with the receipt of articles for evaluation in a continuous flow.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Sources of Support