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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The author or co-authors filled in the user's PROFILE with the following updated information, under penalty of ARCHIVING: institution to which he/she is linked (department, unit, campus, city and name of the institution), link to the address of your curriculum lattes (if foreigners send a platform address where your curriculum is shown), ORCID registration number and current city of the author.
  • The contribution must be original and unpublished

Author Guidelines


THE MAGAZINE JURIDICAL JOURNAL MERITUM, ISSN 2238-6939 and 1980-2072, periodical of the Postgraduate Program Stricto Sensu in Law (PPGD) of Universidade FUMEC, hosted at the link: , with the mission of being an effective instrument for the dissemination of scientific works developed in Brazil and abroad, in line with the research lines "Private Autonomy, Regulation and Strategy" and "Public Sphere, Legitimacy and Control", with Qualis- Capes A3, presents instructions to the authors.

The Journal adopts the documentation standards of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

Procedures for acceptance of articles.

When submitting an article to the journal, the author formally undertakes not to submit it, concomitantly, to another journal, under penalty of exclusion from the system and prohibition of new submission to the magazine for an indefinite period.

The procedure adopted for final acceptance will be as follows:

• First stage: selection of articles according to criteria of relevance and adequacy to editorial guidelines.

• Second stage: quality report to be prepared by “ad hoc” reviewers. Opinions have three possibilities:

The. full acceptance;

B. acceptance with mandatory changes;

ç. full refusal.

Languages: Papers written in English or preferably in Portuguese will be accepted. Papers in other languages ??may be accepted, depending on prior consultation with the Editorial Team, in which case the abstract must also be in English.

Form of presentation of articles.

They must comply with the following requirements:

a) The WORD file must have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 30 pages on A4 sheet, vertical position.

b) The file with the text MUST NOT CONTAIN THE NAME OF THE AUTHOR (S).

c) In the WORD file, in addition to the text, the title, the abstract and up to 5 (five) keywords must be presented IN PORTUGUESE AND IN ENGLISH.

d) “Times New Roman” font; body 12; justified alignment; without syllable separation; spacing between lines 1.5; 1.5 cm paragraph; top and left margin: 3 cm, bottom and right: 2 cm.

e) Citations (NBR 10520/2002) and references (NBR 6023/2002) must comply with ABNT rules.

f) The system for calling the references of direct or indirect citations adopted as standard is self-governing (NBR 10520/2002), the footnotes being only explanatory (NBR 6022/2003).

g) According to NBR 6024/2003, the titles, subtitles and subsubtitles must be aligned to the left and contain a text related to them, as well as a progressive numbering.

h) Papers with a maximum of 3 authors (in the case of research groups) will be accepted, at least one of whom bears the title of doctor and, preferably, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Law (or related areas) . In the case of co-authorship, the effective participation of each author in the writing of the work must be indicated in a note to the editor.

i) Revista Meritum does not publish articles written exclusively by undergraduates, specialists or master students.

j) All authors must be registered with ORCID and present the number in the corresponding field at the time of submission.

k) The Revista Meritum publishes three issues annually, with 20 articles each edition, using the continuous publication system and has a high degree of exogeny from its authors (minimum of 75%). Therefore, articles by authors from Minas Gerais are limited to inclusion in each published volume.

l) Authors published in Revista Meritum must wait 1 year to have their work evaluated again and published in the journal.

m) The opinions and concepts contained in the articles are the sole responsibility of the author (s).



Academic plagiarism is the sole responsibility of the authors and co-authors of articles. Copying another author's study or part of it, even if it is self-published, is considered unacceptable fraud and dishonesty. The identification of the source of information, be it the ideas and words of others (s), should be used in the article.


Process and Article Publication Fees

Meritum Magazine does not charge the following fees to authors:

1. article submission: 0.00 (BRL)
There are no article submission fees

2. processing: 0.00 (BRL)
No fees are charged for processing and publishing articles

Meritum Magazine does not charge fees from authors or readers for submitted articles.

Article (s)

Política padrão de seção

Jurisprudential Comments

In this section, critical comments on relevant jurisprudential decisions, at the national level (preferably from the higher courts) and internationally (eg from the International Human Rights Courts), will be published. Comments will be accepted: a) based on consistent doctrine; b) with criticism in a scientific way; c) using solid, current and meaningful references.





A Revista Meritum convida os pesquisadores a submeterem artigos inéditos sobre o tema relações sociais de gênero e seus fundamentos teórico-metodológicos. Construção da identidade nas sociedades pós-moderna. Invisibilidade identitária, relações de poder e violência simbólica. Identidade como direito fundamental. Inclusão do outro: reconhecimento da identidade e emancipação. Sistemas registrais e notariais: registro civil e construção da identidade. Entraves registrais e questões de gênero. Desjudicialização das relações afetivas, questões de gênero e políticas públicas.

Convidamos autoras e autores, interessadas e interessados, a apresentar suas pesquisas que abordem:

  1. a) os fundamentos teóricos do conceito de gênero e de identidade e a relevância de tais conceitos para a concretização da dignidade da pessoa humana.
  2. b) a reconfiguração da sociedade pós-moderna e a relevância da construção da identidade, a partir dos fundamentos teóricos das questões de gênero.
  3. c) os Sistemas Registrais e Notariais e suas repercussões no âmbito das relações de gênero, notadamente quanto à construção da identidade, buscando a inclusão e a emancipação do indivíduo na sociedade.
  4. d) a desjudicialização das relações afetivas como nova configuração das relações de poder.

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.